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Our PPC PLUS 42.5N is a Portland Pozzolana Cement with attribute of low heat of hydration coupled with high early & late strenths. It has been designed to reduce the carbon intensity of cement production by reducing the amount of clinker required to make the cement. It is recommended for use in mass concrete where reduced heat liberation is important. It has early strenght of up to 25MPA, and late strength of up to 53.5 MPa. It is developed in collaboration with salini Impregilo for the rollet compacted concrete (RCC)application of the GERD and Koysha Hydro Power Projects. It exibits moderate sulfate resisting properties and may be used where improved resistance to salt attack is required. Where concrete is expected to be in contact with sulfates, analytical surveys must be completed and approprate grade of concrete selected. It conforms to CEM II/B-P with strengh class 42.5N in accordance with Ethiopian Standard ES 1177-1.2005 as adapted from EN 1971-:1:2000 Cement Part: Composition, Specifications & Conformity criteria for common cements. It comprises 67% clinker, 28% pozzolana (pumice) & 5% gypsum.


    General pupose concreting requiring high strengh.
    Large pours to reduce the risk of early-age thermal cracking.


When using cement in construction, there is no substitution for good practice and workmanship. It is always very critical to use the correct materials and measure, and mix the materials properly add the correct amount of water and compact, cure and protect the concrete as appropriate. Concrete and mortar strength significantly affected by mix constituents and proportions, ambient temprature and curring conditions. a durable concrete requiresadequate cement & a low water: cement ration. The cement content must be correct for the application and the water:cement ratio as low as possible consistent with satisfactory placing, thorought compaction and effective curring. Hence
  • Accurately measure all materils
  • Mix thoroughly
  • Add water whilst mixing but avoid adding tooo much water. The more water, the weaker the concrete will be. It is critical to use the minimum amount of water required to make the mix workable.


Our PPC PLUS 42.5N is available in bulk, 50kg bags, 1.0, 1.5 & 2.0 jumbo bags.

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