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We recongnize our corporate and social responsiblities and are committed to conducting business in a manner which achieves sustainable growth by discharging environmental, social and health and safety obligations, We aim to achieve our business objectives in a caring and responsible manner recognizing the social and environmental impacts of our activities.
Environment Protection
We seek to minimize the environmental impact of our operational activities through the preventation of pollution and employing good environmental management practices using environmental management systems. In this understaking, we have commissioned at the early stage of the construction of our plant environmental studies, which have been endorsed by Ethiopian Environmental Protection (EPA). Our Environmental and Social Management Plan follows the environmental and social standards of the EPA. Undertakings under our environmental and social management plan inlcude the following

Pollution and Waste Control

We have installed bag filters and electrostatic precipitator (EPS) to mitigate the emission of dust particulates. Dust collectors are installed in different area of the production line to absorb the fine dust particles. The company employes innovative strategies to cut emissions and waste across the factory. the limit of the gases comming out of the system from the fossil fuel and limestone is controlled during mix design and operation of the kiln. We participate in Carbon Market for emissions trading to supplement its clean investment aspiration. Water Waste which is comming out of the plant is neutralized when it is discharged. We have installed a water treatment plant with a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane type. The treated water could be used for cooling of machinery laboratory and general purposes. Efforts are underway to plant 1 million three seedings as buffer zone and green belt between the factory and neighbouring farm lands.

Community Services
Apart from effecting payment amounting Over Birr 54 million to compensate farmer displaced due to the project, we have undertaken the following community services to the communities neighboring our plant site. We have carred out the following thus far:

Access Road and bridges

Beginning from inception of the project to construction of our factory, we have been assisting the local community by constructing access road that connects kebeles to kebele and woreda to woreda. This has helped improve the socio-economic status and the living standard of the local community. During the construction stages of our cement plant, we had financed the rehabilitation of the 56 km chanacho-Derba gravel road at a cost of Birr 3.8 million. the rehabilitation involved the construction of four different size bridges. Currently this road has been reconstructed by concrete asphalt type road financed by the Government of Ethiopia. We have built a new 22 kms gravel road from junction point near Derba town all the way to our quarry site, which is open for public use. The 8 km segment of this road runs from Derba town to Becho, the rest 14 km treacherous and steep road runs from the plant site to the quarry which has a 1000 mts height drop in the first 7 Kms of the road to the querry this by far makes it one of the most difficult aligned road ever built in the coutry. This road includes a 144 mts concrete bridge on the river Lebu, which plays a pivotal role in connecting the neighbouring community, which used to be cut off during the rainy season. Due to this road the community at Handa Wzero (where our factory is located) is connected to Adrea berga wereda administration in Mugger vally. the tow communities were not accessible for long years. This helps further improve the socio-economic status and the living standards of both communities.

  • A 5 kms internal road costing 2.16 million has been constructed in the Chancho town.
  • A 10 kms internal road costing 3.3 million has been constructed in Sululta town.
  • A 6.5 kms internal road costing 1.62 million has been constructed in the Derba town.
  • A 6.5 kms internal road costing 6.5 million has been constructed in the Becho kebele.
  • A kms access road costing 2.7 million has been constructed in the Handawoizero town.

A Health Center

We have built a health center costing Birr 1.5 million to the local community at the cost of Birr 3.5 million, which already is handed over to the local administration. A generator costing Birr 150,000. And compound fences water supply system incorporate in addition to faciliate the service annually of the health center a recurrent budger top-up on Birr 20,000 per month is being provided to the health center

Prevention of Communicable diseases
We have created and still are creating awareness on preventable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and malaria. Continuous activity is taking place both at the plant and in the main quarry area. There is also community engagement inlcuding disclosure, consultation, grevances solving mechanism with the community in and around the factory.

Water points

Knowing that one of the main problems for people living around our factory is unavailabblity of potable water and having seen that the local community especially women travel long distance to fetch water from unprotected springs, we have provided the local community access to potable water supply by either directely pumping water from the plant's main pipe line, by regularily filling water tankers placed in soe villages and by developing and up kepping water springs. In total the local community is provided with 25 water points at a cost of Birr 450,000. to ensure the sustainability of communal water points, we have helped the local community in the establishment of water committees (five comittee members for each water points). The water committee is responsible for managing the water points. This has made significant stride in the access to safe water supply

The following communal water points are available
  • From Factory main pipeline
  •   -     Lilo Chebaqa Kebele; Five communal water point
      -     Mulu Seyo Kebele; three communal water points
      -     Derba Town; Supported Birr 350,000 to purchase electric transformer that helps facilitate
            sound water distribution
      -     Gullele Beressa Kebele; three communal water points
      -     Becho K/Mihirete kebel; five communal water point
  • By filling water tankers
  •   -     Ada Gimbichu Kebele; two communal water thanker points.
  • From Teletle Water Spring
  •   -     Handa w/ro Kebele; nine communal water points.

Fund Donations

To uplift the community livelihood as standard of living, We have set up a revolving fund through Oromia Credit and Saving Bank Ammounting to Birr 7.5 million for use by the project affected local community. the fund is intended to be used to establish small businesses to generate sustainable income to the project-affected local commuity. We have also assisted the local government to establish an irrigation demonostration center to train the project affected persons dewatering system for crop farming at a cost of Birr 100,000.00. We have donated over 242,000 ETB to farmers Skill Training Center at Chancho Town, Oromiya regional stare.

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