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Ato Haile Assegidie

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Appointed by the Chairman and founder Sehik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-Amoudi as chief Excecutive Director of DMC, in 2006 Ato Haile Assegdielearned learned his craft of a compitent civil engineer foolowed by a master of science education in construction management from the university of Loughborough, UK. He started his career as a civil servant in Berta Construction, Ethiopia, Norwegian Save the Children, Ethiopian Water Works Construction Authority (EWWCA), after which he moved to serve as senior civil servant as Minster of Works and Urban Developmentand as State Minster of Infrustructure Development of the FDRE. He paved the way for the establishement of Derba Group which provides strategic leadership to Tousa Steel , Derba Transport,Maya PP bags, Dashen Cement, Derba Lime and Chemicals and Derba Drilling & Hydrology, which are incorporated as strategic investments of national importance. Our Cheif Excecutive Officer has led the project team to successful completion of our company first as a project and is now managing its operation.

Ato Tadesse Kebede

Deputy Chief Executive Officer (D/CEO)

Ato Dawit Getachew

Project Manager

Ato Daniel Alemayehu

Plant Manager

Ato Abdulmutelib Beyan

Finance & Accounts Director

Ato Dewit Tekeste

Human resource Departement Manager

Ato Ahmed Seid

Procurement & Supply Departemet Manager

Ato Tesfaye Tafere

Information Technlogy Departement Manager

Ato Eyob Feleke

Finance and Accounts Departement Manager

Ato Abdulsemed Hussien

Business Development Departement Manager

Ato Amsalu Getnet

A/Quality Control Manager

Solomon Ambaye

Production Departement Manager

Shimeles Tesfaye

Technical Manager

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